Wednesday, September 30, 2009

You've Got Mail!!!

Hi, my name is Robin Brostovski and I’m a "Keep In Touch Coach."

“We’re in a recession.” “Nobody’s buying.” “Sales are down.” Anybody hearing those types of statements lately?Hallelujah!

Good, experienced, professional business owners and sales people know that a recession is a tremendous opportunity to improve market share.

Why? Two reasons.

First, because a lot of their competitors are giving up or waiting until the economy gets better. In good times, if people don’t hear from you, they assume you’re busy. In bad times, if people don’t hear from you, they assume you’re GONE.

Second, because sales professionals KNOW that people still buy houses and cars and clothing and jewelry and vacuum cleaners during a recession. People still go on vacation, go out to eat, go to the dentist and go get their nails done.

It is well documented that business people who maintain their visibility during tough economic times and who stay in touch with clients and prospects can improve their market share and return on investment at lower cost than during good economic times.

Sending heartfelt greeting cards is the most powerful and affordable “keep-in-touch-with-customers-and-prospects” system on the planet.

I’m a “Keep in Touch Coach” with Share A Card Now, and my ideal referral is a sales professional you know who says “Sales are down, and I need to figure out a better way.”

It is my hope and desire that this will help you to learn how to keep in touch, generate referrals and build your business like never before!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Showing Appreciation

Hello friends!
I am reading a book called Appreciation Marketing, How to Achieve Greatness Through Gratitude by Tommy Wyatt and Cutris Lewsey...and I will say WOW! This book has totally changed my view of how do to business tremendously. If you havent read it, its probably one of those short read books that you should have on your shelf and read about 10 times! I am on my second time around with this one.All of us have some sort of business, and we use different methods with which to promote our businesses. But showing appreciation for those who have done business with us, friends, family, etc...can be an amazing tool to grow it even further! One thing they said which realy hit home was "people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forger how you made them feel." Do we make our customers FEEL like they really are appreciated?Another statement that really made me think was "what you give out is what you get back." The energy attached to you is simply a reflection of the type of person you are and work to become. WOW again! How to I react to my customers? Do I show a genuine desire to help them? Am I a sincere person. Whew, it really made me think!During the 15 yrs in Direct Sales, we were taught how to sell, how to book, how to play games and booking games. But you know, in all that training, I was never helped with how to REALLY relate to my customers. A kind thank you was about it, but I never took the time to contact them at all in months to come...not even to remember them on their Birthday! I mean, if we want referrals, we will keep in touch with our customers, right?There is so much in this book that will help you in so many ways..give it a shot and get it.If you would like a way to keep in touch with your customers easily, affordably right from your computer...a tool that is invaluable to every business and person, please let me know! And you can even send yourself or your friend this book!Lets think about how to really appreciate our customers, and each other!
Wishing you many blessings!
Robin Brostovski
Share A Card Now

Friday, September 11, 2009

Summers Over

Did summer go by fast, or what? Wow, next thing I knew it was September! I always love summer, and sad to see it go. BUT with Summer past, that means holidays! First my nephew is getting married and thats fun. Then my son turns 19. Then its Thanksgiving and Christmas! I love the holidays, do you? Looking foward to sharing them with family I hope this year!
So share with me...whats your favorite time of the year?